It was September, 2003, that I began my journey with cancer. Since then, it has raised its ugly head three additional times. It’s impossible to experience such an invasion upon your world without learning a few lessons along the way, as well as testing a person’s constitution and outlook on life. There are some things that have been reaffirmed to me through this experience:

1. I still believe in God’s power to heal and I believe healing comes by the Great Physician and/or practicing physicians. It makes no difference to me on how God does it. Regardless, my heavenly Father gets the glory.

2. I still believe that what God allows, He allows for a reason. Cancer gives us the opportunity to bear witness to the truth and glory of Christ. There are no accidents in God’s Kingdom. There are reasons why we experience the things we experience. That brings great comfort because He will not allow anything to come my way and it not be for my good, (Romans 8:28).

3. I still believe that heaven does not operate according to “odds” but “trust.” One of the first things we ask our doctor is, “What are the odds?” The Bible doesn’t speak of “percentages” but “promises.” One of the greatest lessons from cancer is to learn to trust totally upon God regardless of the odds. A close friend told me how, while serving in Africa, the song, Learning To Lean became his theme song. “Trust” is something we learn, and the only way to learn it is when we have a need.

4. I still believe that there are some things that cancer cannot do. It cannot take your love for Christ away, (Romans 8:37-39). Satan and God have a very different design on where you will spend eternity. Satan wants to destroy your love for Christ. God designs to deepen your love for Christ. Cancer does not win if you die. It wins if you fail to love Christ more.

5. I still believe that cancer can cause relationships to become stronger. If you let it drive you into solitude it will win. I’ve learned to focus my attention on those who have given support rather than on those who haven’t. Fortunately, I have had a loving network of people at home and church who have been such a blessing to me. The wise man said in Eccl 4:12, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (NIV)

Whatever your need, never forget the promise in Phil 4:19, “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

That’s my view of things.