2 Cor 7:5-6, This body of ours had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn — conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us… (NIV).  Wow! Can I relate to that!

Conflicts on the outside – It was August, 2003, when I begin my journey with cancer.  It was devastating, humbling, and fearful.  My time was taken up with doctor visits, blood work, surgeries, scans, and chemotherapy, not to mention the time I needed to pastor a church.  There were times when I thought the conflict was too great for me and I found myself sitting beside the prophet under that broom tree, (1 Kings19:4).  

Fears within – I’ve come to believe that the physiological cancer can be as difficult to deal with as the physical cancer.  With every ache or pain your mind tries to convince you that the cancer has returned.  Or, sitting in the doctor’s office for what seemed like eternity, waiting for the blood tests to return.

But God –  The spiritual lessons I have learned through this are too numerous to mention in this setting.  Putting the conflicts on the outside and the fears within on one side of the scales and placing But God… on the other side brings balance to my journey.   Time and space would not permit me to tell how many times God has shown Himself to be faithful to me as I have faced cancer four times. I am truly blessed!

Conflicts on the outside and fears within come to everyone of us.  Sin threw all the universe into a chaotic condition and mankind  has not been able to get along with himself since .  Jesus, Himself, talked about the world condition before His return in Luke 21:25-28 and we can read further in Matthew 24:4-8, about problems going on around us.

There are a great many problems that face our families in this day in which we live.  The woes of our financial problems, unemployment, family problems, sickness, or spiritual needs can cause insecurity and fear.  If we have conflicts on the outside and fears within we must not lose hope because there is an antidote to our problems:

BUT GOD, who comforts the downcast, comforted us…

That’s my view of things.


Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his.” (2 Tim 2:19, NIV)